
How It Works

Protect Yourself from Hidden Dangers

People are exposed to harmful pathogens everywhere: bacteria, fungi, viruses are different and could present dangers that you can´t see.

Some of these pathogens¹ can survive on surfaces (hard and soft) for days or weeks. Disinfection or sanitization is essential to maintaining hygienically clean surfaces, including frequently touched items like doorknobs, countertops, and more.

Powered by HYGEN® is a brand that offers solutions that perform on surfaces, registered by EPA, proven to kill harmful pathogens that can be a danger to health.

Trusted solutions for multiple markets: Homecare, Healthcare, I& I/Janitorial, and Food Safety.

Powered by HYGEN® solutions can be applied in popular formats like wipes, liquid spray, concentrates, and more.

Products Powered by HYGEN® will act by attaching and rupturing microorganisms² or will kill the microorganisms via oxidation. (showed on diagram ).

¹pathogen – a bacterium, virus, or other microorganisms that can cause disease
² Microorganisms: Bacteria, Virus, Fungi

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